...Which didn't get in, but was fun to do nontheless.

Made out of paper cuts. I dedicated this piece to my roommate.

I am currently reading, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" and so far I am enjoying it. I ended up buying 4 issues of the comic book version of this, and to be honest, I think thats all I am going to buy from that series. Because the comic book is word for word from the book with illustrations. The illustrations aren't bad, but they are so spectacular that I'd wanna buy the comic book series just for that. Especially since I can just read the story thru the book, and in a way not ruin the visuals I have created in my head already.

I also started reading the Surrogates, which is what the movie is based on. As far as I hear, the movie doesn't do it justice. My opinion on the graphic novel itself is very positive. The style that is used inside is a mix of what looks like ink pen and photoshop. Now talk about art that gives me a reason to keep reading - this graphic novel has it. Very interesting concept too for a sci-fi genre. People that adopt android bodies and use that body instead for everyday things instead of their fleshy selves, which lays in a reclined seat the whole time as they are doing VR in their androids.
As for artist inspiration, really digging
Adam Hughes style right now. If you haven't heard of him, his art is very awesome.
And speaking of artists, I still don't get what the hype is about
Frazetta. Not attracted to his art style at all, nor do I see anything amazing about him compared to the other artists of 'ol.
To end this unusually long post, my next project is Red Riding Hood for Illustration I, and I think I have a pretty good idea going. Updates will be made for that shortly!
Considering all of Frank Frazetta's figures are from his head is enough, but if you see his actual pencil drawings, they are amazing pieces showing excellent form and gesture.